CRISPCRISP (Community for Research Involvement and Support by PwPs) is the EUROPAR expert patient group formed to promote PPI (public and patient involvement). The purpose of CRISP is to raise awareness of research, highlight the importance of participation of people (specifically with Parkinson’s) in clinical research, and encourage patients and their carers to ask about clinical research when with their consultant.

The group is a member of INVOLVE, a national advisory group funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR). INVOLVE was established to promote PPI in research in order to improve the way research is prioritised, commissioned, undertaken, communicated and used.

The task of CRISP is to:

  • Contribute to design and development of research projects e.g. rating scales, questionnaires, patient information sheets etc. and therefore using a patient’s perspective to input into research
  • Review current research (e. g. EUROPAR projects or looking at poorly recruiting studies) in Parkinson’s or related areas
  • Give a patient representative opinion on planned projects, that are introduced in meetings, so that patient and public input can be taken into account
  • Develop ideas for future projects highlighting unmet needs from a patient perspective

The CRISP video project (on the right) is a short film to promote clinical research participation for people with Parkinson’s from the CRISP patients and public involvement group.

CRISP is made up of patients, carers and health professionals who are directly involved with Parkinson’s in some way and helps shape and feedback on research within the field of Parkinson’s in South London.

What is CRISP linked with?

  • EUROPAR: EUROPAR is a non profit multi-disciplinary organisation of key opinion leaders across Europe dedicated to improving care for people with Parkinson’s and delivering excellence in clinical research. In order to empower people with Parkinson’s and hear their voices in relation to research in line with INVOLVE, EUROPAR has led to the formation of CRISP. All current EUROPAR research projects have been reviewed by CRISP.
  • Parkinson’s UK: Parkinson’s UK is a leading support and research charity, which has been working for more than 40 years to find a cure and improve life for everyone affected by Parkinson’s.
  • Clinical Research Network: South London (CRN): CRISP is based at King’s College hospital and involves members from the Clinical Research Network: South London.
  • EPDAWhilst the EPDA does not participate in CRISP, it is fully supportive of its aims.

Resources & Downloads

You can download information about the group, research information, and minutes from previous group meetings here. For further information on CRISP please email: