Stefanie Theresa Jost

Neuropsychologist (Germany)

Stefanie Theresa Jost is a Neuropsychologist soon to be the Head of the Department of Neuropsychology at the University Hospital Cologne, Germany starting July 2021. She has been involved in collaborative research with EUROPAR group since 2018 and  joined the EUROPAR Team as an UKResearcher in April 2021 at King’s College Hospital funded by a grant by the Prof. Thiemann Foundation, Germany. 

Stefanie’s research interest lies in Parkinson’s disease (PD) and the modulation of non-motor symptoms by deep brain stimulation along with nonmmotor symptoms of Parkinson’s and its phenomenology in general with a focus on neuropsychological aspects. She graduated in psychology with honours and is due to complete her  PhD on long-term effects of deep brain stimulation on non-motor symptoms in PD at the University of Cologne in June 2021. Stefanie has several published papers including a recent 1st author publication in JNNP on longterm non motor effects of DBS in Parkinson’s.  

She is a member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (IPMDS), the IPMDS Parkinson’s disease nonmotor study group as well as the Kings ParCog group led by Prof Ray Chaudhuri and Prof Dag Aarsland. In addition she is member of the German Society for Neuropsychology (Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie, GNP), the German Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Parkinson und Bewegungsstörungen, DPG) and the German Association of Psychotherapists (Deutsche Psychotherapeutenvereinigung, DPtV). Recently she has also joined the International Consortium on Health Outcome Measurements group (ICHOM) providing outcome measures for clinic assessments of Parkinson’s.