The International Congress of Parkinson’s disease and Movement Disorders Society (MDSCongress2019) was held in the magnificent city of Nice, Canada.
A 4 day annual congress event whereby this year the global presence surpassed records in MDS history. There were 6,000 attendees from 106 countires. It also saw new features this year and development of old installments such as the MDS Pavillion and young members meetings.
The King’s PD Research team attended in force with 17 poster presentations, and Professur Chaudhuri chairing several sessions. Alongside this, the MDS Non-Motor PD Study Group was officially taken under the MDS wings and is one of the most successful groups! The team did amazing representing cutting edge new research and finding new research to discuss at home!
If you want to listen to Prof Chaudhuri’s most popular session this year you can listen to the podcast available by clicking here!