Monika Figura
graduated from Medical University of Warsaw, Poland in 2014. Currently she is a neurologist in training and PhD student in Department of Neurology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Medical University of Warsaw. Her special interest includes treatment of advanced Parkinson’s disease and management of its motor and non-motor symptoms, which was the main topic of her fellowship.

Dr Diogo Fitas
Dr. Diogo Fitas is a neurologist residence who had been at King’s College London and the National Parkinson Foundation Centre of Excellence for a 3-month internship as research observer, under supervision of Professor K Ray Chaudhuri.
He graduated in Medicine at Oporto University, Portugal, obtained his master degree at the same university with a thesis entitled “Cannabis and schizophrenia”. He is currently concluding his neurology trainee in the Neurology Department of Saint Luzia Hospital, in Viana do Castelo, Portugal. He is also part of the teaching team in the Department of Neurosciences of Minho University.
During the academic life he have always been interested in Neurosciences and during his Neurology Residency his interest has further focused on movement disorders. Recently his work is more focused on Parkinson’s and movement disorders’ clinics. Working with Professor Ray’s team has given him the opportunity to evolve as neurologist, with a special focus on non-motor symptoms and advanced therapies.

Dr Hafize Cotur Levent
I am Hafize Çotur Levent from Turkey. I have graduated from Düzce Medical Faculty, Düzce. My training was at Neurology Department in Ankara Medical Faculty. My thesis was on ‘’Ninteen item wearing-off phenomenon questionnaire and to see whether we could achieve the same results by accepting this questionnaire as the golden standard and asking the questions 1-Which complaints about Parkinson’s disease have troubled you the most within the last two weeks? 2-Do these complaints become worse and better within the day?”. I am interested in Movement Disorders particularly Parkinson Disease. I had been in Kings College Hospital for three months and it was really perfect experience for me. I was a clinical observer there. I am very thankful to Prof. Ray Chaudhuri and I am really happy to work with this lovely team.

Antonella Macerollo
PhD candidate in Neuroscience and Clinical Research Associate, Institute of Neurology, University College London (UCL). Honorary Clinical Assistant and Neurologist at National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (Queen Square, London). She specializes in movement disorders with special interest in Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and functional movement disorders. During her training in UK, she shaped her clinical and research skills in Neurophysiology.

Antoniya Todorova
After graduating from Medical University Sofia as a medical doctor Dr Todorova specialized in Neurology at St. Naum University Hospital in Sofia. Later on she received her PhD degree with a thesis in Quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease. In the last 3 years she worked at King’s College Hospital, London with Prof Ray Chaudhuri. Her research was focused on Non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and on continuous drug treatment in PD.

Courtney Walton
I am a PhD student at the Parkinson’s Disease Research Clinic at the Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney. I have an interest in the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s, particularly revolving around neuropsychiatric and neuropsychological dysfunction. In November/December of 2014, I spent some time observing the work of Prof Ray Chaudhuri and his wonderful team at Kings.

Cristina Bitsara
I am on my final year of Neuroscience BSc degree at King’s College. Due to my interest in movement disorders, I have been attending the clinic of Prof Chaudhuri since February 2015. My experience in Prof Chaudhuri’s team has made me appreciate the complexity and challenges of the disease. I hugely admire the the incredible level of research, professionalism and specialized expertise that every individual member in the team has to offer. Truly invaluable experience.

Elisavet Moti
Elisavet Moti has completed her training as a neurologist in Thessaloniki, Greece. She also has a Msc degree in medical research methodology. She joined the movement disorders team at KCH for 3 months, an experience with triggered even further her interest in Parkinson’s disease and other movements disorders.

Elisaveta Sokolov
Dr Elisaveta Sokolov graduated from Imperial College London and is currently on a core medical training program and is based at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at Queen Square. She has a keen interest in Movement Disorders and served as clinical trainee at the Parkinson’s centre of excellence at Kings with Professor K Ray Chaudhuri. She has several peer reviewed publications and has also contributed to internationally released book chapters including a recent article on Autonomic Dysfunction in PD.

Felicity Evans
Felicity is from Melbourne, Australia. She completed her BA in 2014, then an Honours in Psychology at Monash University 2015. She has a keen interest in neurocognitive aspects of Parkinson’s. The King’s team were so incredibly welcoming and generous, and I had a fantasic tme throughout my stay in London. I am grateful to Prof Ray and the team for allowing me to work and learn at King’s.

Federica Spinnato
I studied medicine at the university of Palermo, Italy. As i graduated just last July, i am aware of my little experience in the research field. After collaborating to a study about effects of trans-cranial direction current stimulation on motor and non motor features of PD i discovered myself deeply interested in this neurodegenerative condition, then i decided to join Prof Chaudhuri’s team for 2 months. I am really impressed about the efficiency, the professionalism and the kindness of each member of the team. That was definitely an experience that i strongly recommend and that can enrich your professional background.

Golnaz Atefi
Golnaz is from Kermanshah, Iran. She is studying Neuroscience in Italy but has joined the King’s research team to complete her thesis and her internship in the field of Parkinson’s disease. Golnaz will be concentrating on the validated King’s PD Pain Scale and DaT scan for her project. She has been actively part of the team by attending several clinics, meetings and trials.

Harry Carrs
Having completed his BSc, Harry is currently undertaking his MSc at the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Neuroscience (IOPPN). He is investigating the effects of ethnicity of non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease and working with the team on similar projects in PD. Following the MSc, he will be commencing his MBBS programme at Newcastle University. On completion, he is aspiring to practice as a consultant neurologist and return to research in movement disorders and cognitive disorders.

Ilaria Cova
I am an Italian neurologist, PhD student in Nutritional Sciences applied to neurodegenerative disorders at University of Milan. In 2013 I spent three months working with Prof Ray Chaudhuri and his terrific team at Kings Parkinson’s International Centre of Excellence and Lewisham Hospital. During this period I had the opportunity to attend outpatient clinic and rounds, academic meetings and also got engaged in some exploratory research addressing non motor issues in Parkinson’s disease.

Lisa Klingelhoefer
Lisa Klingelhoefer graduated from the University of Dresden, Germany, in 2008. Between July 2013 and November 2014, she worked as a clinical research fellow at the Department of Neurology, National Parkinson Foundation Centre of Excellence, King´s College Hospital, London, UK, under the supervision of K. Ray Chaudhuri. Her major research interests are patients with Parkinson disease, with a special focus on non motor symptoms, disease monitoring and treatment, dystonia and deep brain stimulation of patients with movement disorders.

Natalija Trojanovic
Natalija Trojanovic completed a BA in Psychology at the American University of Beirut (AUB) and then an MSc in Clinical Neuroscience at King’s College London (KCL). During her MSc, she worked with Professor Ray Chaudhuri and Anna Sauerbier on a research project that assessed MIBG and DaT scans in Parkinsonism and the validation of King’s College MIBG visual grading (KCMP) in patients with clinically uncertain Parkinson’s syndrome (CUPS).

Sanjay Gangadharan
Dr Sanjay Gangadharan, is an Advanced Trainee in Geriatric Medicine working at the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle, Australia. He is attached to the Hunter Medical Research Institute, a premier organisation in clinical research based in Newcastle, Au. Dr Gangadharan and his team from Australia, now work closely with the Europar in clinical research.

Siddarth Kharkar
I had an absolutely fantastic time at the movement disorders center! The multidisciplinary clinic is an absolute cornucopia of complicated movement disorder cases. Ray is a fantastic role model, eager to teach and pushing every person in the team to greater heights. His clinical acumen and teaching abilities are world-famous, but all other people in the team were also true “experts” and I benefited from interacting with everyone. Research was strongly encouraged by the team. The weekly social interactions arranged by Ray created a wholesome feeling of warmth and well-being in every team member, with lasting consequences.

Sheila Klufio
Sheila Klufio is a Ghanaian-born Italian working at the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana. She has a 5 year working experience as a physiotherapist and is specialising in Parkinson’s and all neurological cases.

Tasha Rajah
I’ve completed my BSc previously and recently i’ve completed my MSc in Clinical Neuroscience with Professor K Ray Chaudhuri and co. I have been involved in various projects and presented at the MDS 2016 congress too.

Rui Duarte Barreto
Graduated in Medicine – Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade de Coimbra in 2009. Currently working as Neurology Registrar at the Neurology Department of Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga, Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. It was a great opportunity to be a part of this team for six months, to learn from experienced clinicians and nurses, and to carry some innovative, comprehensive work in the field of movement disorders.

Miguel Rosa Grilo
I joined the King’s Parkinson’s research team for over a year after visiting them before. I had been fortunate to be part of several projects, and lead projects myself. The team was great to work with and this experience helped aid my future career too.

Raquel Taddei
Having been with the team for over a year, i worked on several projects and was part of several publications. Presenting in international conferences and giving presentations, all helping my future career. I hope to visit the team again soon.

Dr Seyda Cankaya
I am Şeyda Çankaya from Turkey. I have graduated from Cukurova Medical Faculty, Adana. My training was at Neurology Department in Inonu Medical Faculty. My thesis was on “Assessment for Non Motor Symptoms in Parkinson Disease with NMSQuest” which was formed by Professor. Ray Chaudhuri. I am interested in Movement Disorders particularly Parkinson Disease. I have been concentrating on NMSQuest validation study at the King’s College.
I am very thankful to Prof. Chaudhuri for giving me chance to work with his lovely team. I wish many new colleagues experience this from all over the world.

Ms Lynsey Hall

Ms Laura Dalrymple

Ms Anne Martin
Anne was our Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist for 14 years. Anne was also part of the PDNSA and PINK and work across the UK Europe in nurse development and education in Parkinson’s Disease and Parkinson’s Plus syndromes. Anne had been co author on 2 nursing papers; The Parkinson’s Disease Nurse service at King’s College Hospital and early referral for non oral therapies both published in the BJNN.
She has left to share her passion to help young PD patients across the world and to ensure all PD nurses are able to help these young patients at KCH standard, that Anne helped create with Prof K Ray Chaudhuri. We will certainly miss Anne and hope she continues to do great work wherever she is. Good luck Anne!

Ms Lauren Perkins
Lauren was the Senior Research Coordinator in the Movement Disorder’s team. It’s was her role to set up new Parkinson’s studies (both commercial and non-commercial) at King’s and then, once open, to enrol patients into the studies and complete any follow up visits with them. These studies include; TOLEDO, PFP, Restless Legs Syndrome-NMS Quest and Dystonia-NMS Quest.
Lauren has left the team to a new role in Essex along with a promotion. Lauren was a great member of the team and will be missed. We hope to work with Lauren again in the near future. Good luck Lauren and thank you!

Ms Theresa Chiwera
Theresa attained her nursing qualification at Kingston University in 2005. In 2015 she joined the King’s College Hospital (London) Neurosciences department working on commercial (clinical trials) and non-commercial studies in Parkinson’s disease (Clinical Centre of Excellence) and Motor Neurone Disease. Theresa was a co-author in Parkinson’s disease abstracts including Parkinson’s disease Pain, Dysphagia and Ethnicity. She is also works with the clinical expert group for Parkinson’s disease research (CRISP).
Theresa has left her PT role with us to take up a FT role with another department at KCH. We have loved having her on our team and will certainly miss her bubbly personality. We will most likely hear her and bump into her in the hospital! Hope we can continue to work together even from afar, best of luck Theresa! Thank you!

Sally Trump
Sally was the Duodopa clinical nurse specialist at King’s, and currently training to be a PDNS. She co-ordinates the Duodopa service at KCH and works to support the movement disorders team in their research as well as developing her own interest in Duodopa. Sally is a member of the Parkinson’s Disease Nurse Specialist association (PDNSA) and an associate member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society (IPMDS).
Sally has left the team to continue to progress in her career at our sister-trust, Guys and St Thomas (GSTT). We will still be working with Sally, but hope the new team treat her well! She will be missed.